How improving piglet resilience can help us fight antimicrobial resistance


ESR blog

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is the ability of a microorganism (e.g., bacteria, viruses, and some parasites) to become resistant to the action of an antimicrobial (like antibiotics, but in essence any substance that can kill or inhibit their growth). This poses a major public health concern, as it means that common infections that were once easily treatable are now increasingly difficult to treat, in both human and veterinary medicine. Research into improving piglet resilience can help us fight antimicrobial resistance by reducing the need for antibiotics. Better understanding of nutrition and management practices can lead to improved piglet resilience, reducing the need for antibiotics in early life.

The Invisible Enemy: Battling Antimicrobial Resistance

AMR is a global issue and has been linked to inappropriate use of antimicrobials in humans, animals, and agriculture. In pork production, AMR has the potential to reduce animal health, increase production costs, and reduce productivity. Antibiotic use in pork production is necessary to prevent, control, and treat diseases. However, when antibiotics are used indiscriminately, or when they are not used appropriately, they can contribute to the emergence of AMR. According to the European Commission, AMR causes 35000 deaths[1] in the EU each year and costs the EU €1.5 billion in healthcare costs and productivity losses[2].  Even though the use of all antibiotics as animal growth promoters has been prohibited in the European Union since 2006, efforts to minimize the use of antibiotics in animal husbandry remain ongoing. Consequently, the EU has adopted the Farm to Fork Strategy[3] to help shape the EU’s path towards sustainable food systems. One of the goals of the policy is to reduce the overall use of antimicrobials for livestock animals and aquaculture by 50% by 2030, supported by the implementation of two new regulations on veterinary medicines and medicated feed[4]. These regulations provide a range of measures to fight antimicrobial resistance and promote responsible use of antimicrobials in animals.

The fight against AMR has also brought challenges to the livestock sector. In pig farming for example the cease of use of antibiotics as growth promoters resulted in an increased incidence of postweaning diarrhea and mortality. To address these challenges, researchers have proposed to use different substances like zinc, copper and prebiotics, probiotics, phytochemicals, organic acids, and several other feeding strategies to boost animal health and performance. The use of pharmacological  levels of Zinc oxide (aka medical zinc, i.e., above nutritional requirement of zinc) has been shown to reduce the incidence of gastrointestinal disorders in pigs and can also increase growth rate and feed efficiency. Thus, following the ban on antibiotic growth promoters, the use of pharmacological  zinc oxide levels in weaners diets became a general practice to reduce the incidence of postweaning diarrhea. However, in 2017 the European Commission announced a ban of the use of pharmacological levels of zinc oxide  in animal feed (allowing a maximum 150ppm), which came into effect in 2022. This ban was set due to the overall benefit-risk balance for medical zinc oxide is negative due to the risks to the environment outweighing the benefits of preventing diarrhea in pigs[5].


We recently asked to our LinkedIn network: Are we ready to raise antibiotic/zinc oxide free pigs? The results of the poll are in with “Somewhat” being the most popular answer.  In recent years, there has been a growing interest in researching alternative ways to raise pigs without the use of antibiotics and zinc oxide.

The results of the LinkedIn poll

In the MonoGutHealth project, the PhD students are actively exploring innovative technologies and tools to improve the resilience of piglets and to gain greater insight into the nutritive, microbial, and disease-related factors influencing their early development.

Exploring alternatives

Many consider abrupt weaning to be the most difficult challenge in a pig’s life, as piglets must deal with multiple stressors at the same time. The sudden change from the nutrient rich and highly digestible sow milk to vegetable based feed and mixing of unfamiliar pigs leads to decreased feed intake (Lawlor et al., 2020). This drop causes intestinal enterocytes to starve, impairing gut structure and barrier function. This generally promotes pathogenic bacteria translocation from the gut lumen to the mesenteric lymph nodes and internal organs, resulting in health problems such as diarrhea (Spreeuwenberg et al., 2001; Smith et al., 2010).

One of the commonly used strategies to facilitate the transition to weaning is providing pelleted creep feed to suckling piglets during lactation. However, creep feed intake and number of eaters of creep feed is low in the farrowing rooms, resulting in inconsistent benefit of providing creep feed pre-weaning (Tokach et al., 2020). Since creep feeding is influenced by various factors, there is a scope to stimulate the creep feed consumption and promote gut maturity in piglets. For instance, Shiv Vasa  (ESR9 in MonoGutHealth) is investigating whether liquid feeding of creep feed can improve the intake and number of eaters per litter compared to the conventional practice of providing dry pelleted creep feed. Another resort of strategies targets causative agents of postweaning diarrhea, such as enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC). These pathogens are a known major contributor to postweaning diarrhea, and its proliferation can cause diarrhea and even death in severe cases. As such, the main objective of Kevin Jerez’s project (ESR7 in MonoGutHealth) is to develop a new, multicomponent plant-based antibacterial cocktail that would prevent bacterial diseases in the gastrointestinal system of weaned piglets. Both strategies ultimately lead to an increase in the pig’s capacity to deal with weaning stressors and increase their resilience.

Given the intricacy of the weaning process and its associated complications, the project for  the ESR10 in MonoGutHealth is attempting to increase our understanding of the impact of the vaginal, fecal, colostrum, milk, udder, environment, and diet microbiota on piglet microbiota development. Similarly, the Ines Garcia (ESR2 in MonoGutHealth) is developing a new tool to extend our knowledge of the small intestinal microbiome throughout the pig’s life by means of a capsule endoscopy concept. This could enable us to create new microbiota-oriented strategies to augment overall resilience, such as probiotic/prebiotic feeding, improving biosecurity measures, and implementing better management practices.

Take home message

Researching ways to increase piglet resilience through better nutrition and management practices can help reduce the need for antibiotics, which will in turn help us fight antimicrobial resistance. Such practices include optimizing sow nutrition, providing effective pre- and postweaning feeding management and targeted nutritional strategies (e.g., feeding antimicrobial plants or probiotics/prebiotics). This can lead to improved piglet resilience and a decrease in the use of antibiotics.

[1] Assessing the health burden of infections with antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the EU/EEA, 2016-2020. (2022, November 17). European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Retrieved January 30, 2023, from

[2] EU Action on Antimicrobial Resistance. (2022, November 17). Public Health. Retrieved January 19, 2023, from

[3] Farm to Fork Strategy. (n.d.). Food Safety. Retrieved January 19, 2023, from

[4] Implementation of Regulation (EU) 2019/6 on veterinary medicinal products and Regulation (EU) 2019/4 on medicated feed. (n.d.). Implementation of Regulations. Retrieved January 19, 2023, from

[5] Zinc oxide – European Medicines Agency. (2018, September 17). European Medicines Agency. Retrieved January 19, 2023, from


Lawlor PG, Gardiner GE and Goodband RD 2020. 10. Feeding the weaned piglet. The suckling and weaned piglet, 251–275.

Smith F, Clark JE, Overman BL, Tozel CC, Huang JH, Rivier JEF, Blisklager AT and Moeser AJ 2010. Early weaning stress impairs development of mucosal barrier function in the porcine intestine. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 298, 352–363.

Spreeuwenberg MAM, Verdonk JMAJ, Gaskins HR and Verstegen MWA 2001. Small Intestine Epithelial Barrier Function Is Compromised in Pigs with Low Feed Intake at Weaning. American Society for Nutritional Sciences.

Tokach MD, Cemin HS, Sulabo RC and Goodband RD 2020. 5. Feeding the suckling pig: creep feeding. The suckling and weaned piglet, 139–157.

EU Action on Antimicrobial Resistance. (2022, November 17). Public Health. Retrieved January 19, 2023, from

Farm to Fork Strategy. (n.d.). Food Safety. Retrieved January 19, 2023, from

Implementation of Regulation (EU) 2019/6 on veterinary medicinal products and Regulation (EU) 2019/4 on medicated feed. (n.d.). Retrieved January 19, 2023, from

Zinc oxide – European Medicines Agency. (2018, September 17). European Medicines Agency. Retrieved January 19, 2023, from