
Probiotics and phytobiotics have demonstrated effective improvement of gut health in broiler chickens when individually administered in-ovo. However, their combined use in-ovo, has not been studied to date. We coined the term “prophybiotic” (probiotic + phytobiotic) for such a combination. The current study therefore, aimed to elucidate the effects of combined use of a selected probiotic and a phytobiotic in-ovo, on broiler gut health and production parameters, as opposed to use of probiotics alone.
Related ESR
Monoguthealth researchers
Ramesha Nirmali Wishna Kadawarage, Rita Hickey, Maria Siwek
Gut infections of chickens caused by Ascaridia galli and Heterakis gallinarum are associated with impaired host performance, particularly in high-performing genotypes. Heterakis gallinarum is also a vector of Histomonas meleagridis that is often co-involved with ascarid infections. Here, we provide a first insight into the alteration of the chicken plasma and liver metabolome as a result of gastrointestinal nematode infections with concomitant histomonosis.
Related ESR
Monoguthealth researchers
Oyekunle John Oladosu, Cornelia C. Metges, Gürbüz Daş
This review paper aims to provide an overview on effects of incubation temperature changes in early (week 1), mid-term (week 2) and late (week 3) embryogenesis on broiler muscle and bone development, and subsequent locomotory ability.
Related ESR
Monoguthealth researchers
Tobias Kettrukat, Ewa Grochowska, Margrethe Therkildsen
Antibacterial plant combinations prevent postweaning diarrhea in organically raised piglets challenged with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli F18.
Related ESR
Monoguthealth researchers
Kevin Jerez Bogota, Martin Jensen, Paul Cormican, Peadar Lawlor, Gillian Gardiner, Nuria Canibe
The excretion pattern of ascarid antigens through chicken faeces and the consistency of measurements over the course of infections are currently unknown. This study evaluates the pattern and repeatability of worm antigen per gram of faeces (APG) and compares the diagnostic performance of the coproantigen ELISA with a plasma and egg yolk antibody ELISA and McMaster faecal egg counts (M-FEC) at different weeks post-infection (wpi).
Related ESR
Monoguthealth researchers
Oyekunle John Oladosu, Cornelia C. Metges, Gürbüz Daş
The growing demand for poultry meat and eggs has forced plenty of changes in poultry production in recent years. According to FAO, the total number of poultry in the world in 2019 was 27.9 billion. About 93% of them are chickens. The aim of this paper was to review the current state of knowledge in the field of the ecological footprint of poultry production and the impact on environmental genes.
Related ESR
Monoguthealth researchers
Ramesha Nirmali Wishna Kadawarage, Aleksandra Dunisławska, Maria Siwek
This study aimed to examine the role of miRNA expression stimulated by host-microbiota interaction via administering a bioactive substance at the stage of embryonic development. This paper is a continuation of earlier research in the field of molecular analyzes in immune tissues after in ovo administration of bioactive substances.
Related ESR
Monoguthealth researchers
Ramesha Nirmali Wishna Kadawarage, Aleksandra Dunisławska, Maria Siwek
First report on the use of copro-antigens to diagnose ascarids in chickens. A copro-antigen ELISA was developed to measure A. galli antigens in chicken faeces. The assay provides accurate qualitative diagnosis of ascarid infections in chickens. ELISA coated with antibodies against A. galli can also reliably detect H. gallinarum.
Related ESR
Monoguthealth researchers
Oyekunle John Oladosu, Gürbüz Daş
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Abstracts and presentations

MonoGutHealth session at EAAP

Our PhD students participated in the 74th annual meeting of EAAP in Lyon, France. It was an ideal opportunity to share their research results and exchange knowledge and experiences. The full-day session of the MonoGutHealth project was devoted primarily to presenting the results of individual projects by our ESRs.  The slides shown by them at the meeting can be found at: