Cluster one – Early Life Interventions
Our ESRs will be presenting their latest scientific results at Lyon EAAP on the 30th of August, session 49 in room Gratte Ciel 1.
Title: GlutamineAn amino acid used for biosynthesis of proteins. One of the functions known is the role of glutamine… and glucose metabolismChemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life. in suckling low birth weight pigletsPiglets weighing between 0.8 and 1.2 kg. supplemented with glutamineAn amino acid used for biosynthesis of proteins. One of the functions known is the role of glutamine….
Teaser: Piglets with a below-average birth weight are at risk of delayed development. To promote their growth and early development of the gastrointestinal tractThe part of the digestive system that consists of the stomach and intestines., suckling piglets were orally supplemented with glutamineAn amino acid used for biosynthesis of proteins. One of the functions known is the role of glutamine… as a major metabolic fuel. To gain more knowledge about glutamineAn amino acid used for biosynthesis of proteins. One of the functions known is the role of glutamine… utilization in suckling low compared to normal birth weight piglets, Daria used tracer techniques to investigate the metabolic fate of glutamineAn amino acid used for biosynthesis of proteins. One of the functions known is the role of glutamine… in vivo.
Title: Creep feeding (dry, liquid) and pen hygiene (low, high) impacts pre-weaning growth in pigs.
Teaser: In this study, suckling pigs born in a low or a high hygiene environment were provided with creep feed in either dry or liquid form. Shiv will showcase the results obtained, focusing on the feed intake, growth, medication requirements, and post-weaningPeriod after the piglets are separated (weaned) from the sows. intestinal structure.
Title: The impact of early incubation temperature on broilerChickens kept for meat production. Fast growing breeds can reach a weight of over 2 kg at 5 weeks of… walking ability and final meat quality.
Teaser: Tobias investigated the relationship between the early incubationKeeping the eggs under defined conditions (ideally 37.8℃ and 55% relative humidity) for the chicks… temperature and the development of the locomotory system of broiler chickensChickens kept for meat production. Fast growing breeds can reach a weight of over 2 kg at 5 weeks of…, focussing on its influence on the final walking ability at slaughter age.