Maria Siwek
Partner institutionBydgoszcz University of Science and Technology
- Professor at the Department of Animal Biotechnology and Genetics
- Vice director of PBS Doctorate School
Supervising in the MonoGutHealth project
Supervisor of ESR
Expertise in
- Animal Genetics and Genomics
Year of obtaining a doctoral degree/professor2005/2012/2019
Other information>100 peer-reviewed papers.
>20 yrs of teaching experience in animal genomics, immunology; supervising BSc (9), MSc (6), PhD students (2).
Member of editorial board of BMC Veterinary Research.
Member of The Committee on Animal Sciences and Aquaculture, Polish Academy of Science
>20 yrs of teaching experience in animal genomics, immunology; supervising BSc (9), MSc (6), PhD students (2).
Member of editorial board of BMC Veterinary Research.
Member of The Committee on Animal Sciences and Aquaculture, Polish Academy of Science
Career of former PhD studentSenior Scientists in Industry and Academia