MonoGutHealth Session at EAAP Lyon, 2023


Cluster three – Flock Performance

Our ESRs will be presenting their latest scientific results at Lyon EAAP on the 30th of August, session 49 in room Gratte Ciel 1.

Title: Role of caecal microbiota in broiler flock weight heterogeneity.

Teaser: This study compares caecal microbiota composition of low and high body weight chickens hatched on-farm or in hatchery. Muhammad presents findings, elucidating the role of caecal microbiota in contributing to body weight variations in broiler chickens.

Title: 1H-NMR metabolomics reveals alterations in the metabolism of ascarid-infected laying hens.

Teaser: Decoding the Puzzle: Parasitic infections trigger a marked defence mechanism in animals, but at what expense? Prepare to immerse yourself in the study of gastrointestinal infection, where Oyekunle John uncovers the elusive alterations in the host metabolome. Join the discussion on the physiological trade-offs in the face of parasitic infections.