Objective: Pre- and early postnatal nutrition strategies in monogastric animals
Duration: 3 days
Indicative content:
- Nutrient and energy requirements of gestating and lactating sows
- Nutrient, energy and immunological requirements of the suckling and weaned pig
- Practical creep feeding and post-weaningPeriod after the piglets are separated (weaned) from the sows. nutritional programmes for pigs
- In ovo application of bioactive substances in poultry
- Pre- and probiotic and bioactive supplementation to young pigs and poultry
- Good practice for nutritional experiments with pigs and poultry
- Animal welfare considerations
Learning outcomes:
On successful completion of this module, a student will be able to:
- Determine the nutritional requirements of sows, young pigs and poultry (broilersChickens kept for meat production. Fast growing breeds can reach a weight of over 2 kg at 5 weeks of... laying
hens) - Describe practical feeding programmes for sows, young pigs and poultry
- Describe practical feeding programmes for sows, young pigs and poultry
- Identify a range of feed and forage sources for monogastrics
- Describe the purpose of pre- and probiotic and bioactive supplementation to young pigs
and poultry - Plan a nutrition experiment in pigs and poultry
- Identify animal welfare challenges when conducting nutrition experiments with pigs and
poultry - Describe the purpose and reasons for a successful feed additive company
Giuseppe Bee [WBF-A], Peadar Lawlor, Keelin O’Driscoll [Teagasc], Gillian Gardiner [WIT], Katarzyna Stadnicka, Maria Siwek [UTP], Nadia Everaert [ULiège]