Title: Validated machine learningA branch of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science that focused on teaching computers to … model to detect IUGRIntra-uterine growth retardation, is defined as the impaired growth of the fetus or its organs durin… piglets
Teaser:Roberta developed an innovative tool based on computer vision and deep learning to diagnose intrauterine growth restriction in newborn piglets.
Title: In-vivo validation of a non-invasive tool to collect intestinal content in pigs -CapSa-
Teaser: Inés validated a new device that allows sampling from the same pig microbiota from the small intestineA long tube-like organ that connects the stomach and the large intestine. It helps to digest food co… several times during his life without harming it. This device is a novel alternative to the more traditional collection of faeces samples.