Wendy Izedonmwen
Partner institutionTeagasc, The Irish Agricultural and Food Development Authority
- Early Stage Researcher (Research officer)
Personal motivation
“To meet the increasing global demand for animal-based protein, we will need to improve pig management and nutrition, reduce mortality and, at the same time reduce the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance. Therefore, there is a need for research in resilient and sustainable livestock production. As an Early-Stage Researcher on the MonoGutHealth Project, I will have the opportunity to contribute to improving the resilience and sustainability of pig production through nutritional strategies. MonoGutHealth also gives me the opportunity to improve my skills (personal, professional, and research) and knowledge in a diverse and international environment and develop a lasting professional network for my future career”.
Secondment atResearch Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN), Germany – Sow milk analysis
Expertise in
- Animal Nutrition; Feed Ingredients
Year of obtaining MSc2022
Other informationMSc. Animal Sciences (Specialization: Animal Nutrition) at Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands.