Roberta Ruggeri

Roberta Ruggeri

Partner institutionAgroscope, Posieux, Switzerland
  • PhD student
Personal motivation

“I have always been fascinated by the support veterinaries can give to their local communities. During my studies I have become interested in the food system, the wellbeing of food-producing animals, and the related breeding practices. I learned about the impact veterinaries have on nutrition, food quality and safety. For these reasons, I am glad to be part of the MonoGutHealth team in the pursuit of a more sustainable agricultural and animal productivity, to ensure high-quality food and to contribute to the improvement of nutrition and wellbeing.” 

Secondment atUniversity of Bologna, UFA, CSEM
Expertise in
  • Veterinary Medicine
Year of obtaining MSc2019
Other informationResearch Assistant at the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy